I’m enjoying SubStack for that reason. It forces a slowing of my pace that I don’t find many other places online.

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I love reading your stuff Jesse! If I can make a small suggestion that would increase the value even more for me... It would be so nice to have a little list at the end of the sources all in one place. So if I want to come back and do a deeper dive I know where to go. (Bc scanning/skimming is hard for my brain!)

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Could you explain more about the harms of the argument “technology creates ADHD”. Technology is a part of culture and influences the way we relate to the world, right? In young children it can change the trajectory of their neurological development, creating compounding issues over time. If the expectation of, and addiction to, never ending stimuli causes a dissociative experience why is it harmful to say technology creates ADHD?

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i'm not sure i'd say its harmful, just reductive! ADHD diagnoses pre-date alot of tech even within my lifetime (I didn't grow up with social media or a cell phone and still got diagnosed with it), and while it certainly could describe some people's experiences, ADHD is a really broad construct that describes a looot of things and arises from our cultural values which are informed by our economic system which all arose out of centuries of history building on itself, so it's not really possible to distill it down to just using the internet or playing too many video games. I just think it's a lot more complicated than a simple "A causes B" argument.

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Ohhhhh gotcha, that makes sense! Thanks!

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I recently finished Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman which relates to some of what you say here

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I really liked this book too

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Loved this article! Just wondering tho re: the tick-tock syndrome—the link is broken, and I can’t seem to find anything else whatsoever about that syndrome or the doctor proving it. Would love to learn more tho.

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Thanks! Tick Tock Syndrome was just the name of the article. Larry dossey didn’t prove anything, time sickness was just an idea he had. He wrote about it in the book Space, Time, Medicine in 1982, which is on the internet archive:


Although disclaimer I have not read past the intro so I can’t say I endorse all his ideas by any means! but I do generally agree with challenging the view of the body as a machine separate from the mind

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Have you seen this whole journal issue devoted to “time tricking”?? (Would love a TLDR lol, I can’t access it other than the intro.) https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/cja/34/1/cja.34.issue-1.xml

I found it linked in this article which was linked in a Sophie strand class I recently took https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-how-the-pandemic-has-changed-our-perception-of-time-139240

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