May 11, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

This is so exciting, congrats!

Your work has really inspired me a ton, and when I get to writing again (I say when because it WILL happen, my life is just majorly in flux right now) it will be in no small part due to your influence.

I’m particularly impressed by the depth and integrity of your scholarship and ability to challenge dogma and engage with scientific debate from outside academia. I’m an ex-scientist PhD dropout who tried to get into science writing right as the boom of blogging was dying (and struggled to find an audience or make money and gave up), and since then I’ve worked in education without an education degree. I know my ideas and perspective have value but I’ve been reluctant to try to share them because I feel like I’m… somehow not valid given my weird mixed background. Your work has definitely convinced me that there is value in doing research and writing that both makes use of/values scientific knowledge and academic standards, and also in a way exists outside of the norms of formal academic scholarship and challenges them as appropriate.

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ahh thank you!! I've actually always wanted to go back to school and do a masters or phd (just bc I am a nerd and I loved college) but now that I've realized I can just study and write about my interests on the internet instead i'm like.. why? blogging reaches more people and one of my favorite things about writing is taking complicated stuff and figuring out how to explain it to a wide audience, I think I'd probably end up being pretty bummed to spend a bunch of time and money in school writing academic texts that only like 30 other academics will read lol. so ya fuck it, write what you want! send it to me when you do, I would love to read it!

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May 11, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

I really love what you've been doing here (the plant comparison "root bound" —so good!). It's been really inspiring to watch this progression, and it's helped me start to slowly ease away from using Instagram. This gives me hope and a clear path to get back to my own writing. So thank you so much for the thoughtful content AND for being a solid "creative guide," so to speak. :)

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May 12, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

Brb switching patreon to substack rn

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May 12, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

Do new subscribers to the sticker club also get access to Substack newsletters?

Congratulations on everything and I'm looking forward to subscribing :)

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yeah! thank u!!

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