Well, I loved that micro-journaling video so much that I have deleted social media apps off of my phone (again). I really love the idea of replacing the action of going to social media with something (and as they mentioned, exactly what has worked in the past for addiction! Big “well, duh” moment for me!). Thanks for another super helpful roundup.

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yesss it makes so much sense, like how I now drink flavored seltzer obsessively to keep myself from drinking alcohol. we need a seltzer replacement for social media apps.

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I am going to call it that now. “Oh, just getting my seltzer in.” ☺️

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"I realized this is what I was doing on my IG stories, except, I was showing this stuff to the whole world, and I don’t have to." I definitely need to watch this video, because this is a thought I had many years ago about Facebook! I used to wildly overshare the way I think a lot of people did when I was in my early 20s, on basically every platform. Mostly Facebook, but also Snapchat, Tumblr, and eventually Instagram. I do like sharing things with people and seeing into my friends' lives, but I got to a point where I was like, why am I sharing ALL of this, though? Why do I feel like I have to document literally everything online? I feel like this video will be super interesting! Appreciating all the video essay recs, I love a good video essay.

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If you'd asked me what I needed to hear today, my first guess wouldn't have been a YouTuber I don't recognize yelling at me about perfectionism through the lens of a show I've never seen but damn, that was spot on. Thanks for the rec!

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