Thank you for the work that you do Jesse. I am currently seeking out a diagnosis after having (for lack of a better term) a complete nervous breakdown. I began to unravel after having to emerge from pretty a long and strict lockdown, and I think my body simply refused to put back on the mask it had before. Your words have been such a comfort for me during this time. I feel less alone and safe. Katherine May's newsletter had me in tears. I dream of being able to capture a moment with words in the way both you and her do!

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Aw thank you so much for saying this, its so good to know the stuff I send into the world is helping somehow 💜

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Maybe wasps are your friends now 😭 What a lesson in what our assumptions are and how our partners can surprise us! Hymenoptera are a special interest of mine, and I work very hard to attract them to my yard too. I am glad you are making friends with the little winged beasties.

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Beautifully said, and I can very much empathize. Thank you.

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