Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

Wow. I’ve always felt like creating is a much different experience than being productive, and creating feels great/fulfilling/expansive/infrequent while productivity feels dull/relentless/disheartening/daily but didn’t have the words to explain to others why “productive” hurts so much. Thanks for this! Downloading Colonisation of Time now!

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

Jess, you should check out the writing Marlee Grace has done on the topic/the class she teaches called A Quilt Is Something Human.

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ooo interesting, thank you!

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

“Our bodies do not buy the lie of a season-less world.” oof I loved this line. Thank you for sharing this piece.

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That's funny you've been thinking about daimons (genuises/muses) too. I just read a book on that called Discovering Your Personal Daimon by Cat Rose. It has a lot of good references to other books about it too so I've been going down that rabbit hole. I always loved Big Magic and that statement she said about geniuses but never knew how to look further into it and Cat's book was a great help.

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oh cool I'll look it up, thanks!

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

Thank you for writing this. ♥️

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Just thought I would drop the link to Elizabeth Gilbert’s 2009 TED talk where she talks about Genius in this way, in case anyone would like to see it: https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_your_elusive_creative_genius

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Yes yes yesss! Feeling this more and more in recent years. I used to HUSTLE at this time of year... in school, it was all my music concerts/recitals around Christmas. Then it morphed into busy-ness working in the service industry doing parties and holiday food for other people. And a couple years ago I started making dried flower wreaths as a side hustle. A friend asked me the other day if I would be making wreaths this year, and I said “no” with such a gleeful smile I think I surprised both of us. 😂 I’ve just been aligning my body more and more with the slowing down of the winter season, and it feels glorious. Relishing in the slow tasks of bird watching and *gasp* resting.

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Also, remember when instagram and facebook were both down for a few hours? After that, i came up with an idea. I would love it if all social media had a ‘sabbath’ style break once a week (yes as you have pointed out the concept of a week is problematic!) in which there was no point going on because no-one was posting. What a feeling that would be.

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Thanks for a great post. I would be interested to know what seasons the indigenous people of florida have. Tropical areas are not without seasons. I have lived in a tropical Aboriginal community of north Australia where the settlers referred to three seasons - dry, build-up, and wet, but the Aboriginal people had seven seasons, all marked by various elements of weather and wildlife etc.

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Memetics, the theory of ideas hopping from mind to mind like independent mini-Muses, went into and out of academic fashion during the 90s and early 2000s. I always found value in it. Thanks for reminding me.


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This profoundly resonated with me. My definition of freedom is grounded in opposition to clock time. When I’m composing a song or playing along to someone’s music, I completely lose track of time. Hours pass by and I couldn’t care less, for better or worse. That’s when I truly feel free.

Creativity is a liberating force. It’s wonderful and invigorating.

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