Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

I love that you used the Autistic Burnout infographic because it applies to everyone and it is so prevalent in our society! I use that in my work and personally to remind myself that things that are TOO INTENSE are...too intense. And we need to figure out the balance that works best for us

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

This was extremely timely as I was *just* crying to my coach about being overwhelmed half an hour ago, and when I saw this I sent a screenshot to her yelling excitedly about this is why I subscribe lol. So we're gonna work on that in our appointment today :) Thank you so much for writing this! 💜

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i usually get overwhelmed with stuff i don't care about, like work. this doesn't bother me too much: i just lower my expectations, slow down, half-ass it, hand it over and never think about it again. no shame, no guilt. but when it happens with stuff that i usually like... i'm puzzled. just now, i was trying to work on my manuscript... it's supposed to be fun! i love writing! but why do i procrastinate and feel overwhelmed? it's hard not to think that i'm just lazy. i have no explanation, i honestly just don't ~feel~ like doing it. i want to sleep. which is a better coping mechanism than doing drugs (what i used to do). thanks for writing this. i'll take it slow and just do one (1) task.

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oh yeah, i get like that about stuff I care about too, because I'm anxious about it not being good enough. I've been reading about creativity and fear a bit lately (the books Art & Fear and The Courage to Create) and that has been illuminating for me!

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