Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jesse Meadows

silicon valley never fails to attempt to capitalize on literally every aspect of the human experience UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH literally i hate it so much.

on a random note, it's such a weird, niche thing, but i was reading this marvel fanfic and it involves a version of spirituality based around the sanctity of sex and all this stuff. and there's this duo on insta who run @queernature, and the way both of them write is such a balm. overarching point being, i want to get into spirituality and mindfulness more. and reading about tech doing all this nonsense just cements the fact that i should, and i should do it in such a way that divests from capitalistic society entirely.

(here's the fanfic link - it's a really good story if you're into marvel, and is great even without. but the spirituality side of it is just phenomenal. NSFW as hell + polyamory: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19107019/chapters/45401134 )

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I am also woefully ignorant on Lacanian psychology, and so now I will definitely have to dive down that rabbit hole (thanks to both you and Miles!) without any wish to create undue work for you, is there a place where you (or anyone else) recommend I begin? Thanks, as always.

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I've been enjoying Plastic Pills on Youtube bc he makes a lot of visuals to go along with what he's explaining that's really helpful for me (and also the cadence of his voice helps me fall asleep.. which is not an insult, my insomniac tendencies appreciate it.)

Miles recommended Derek Hook, who's a professor that explains psychoanalysis on a chalkboard in his garage! free lecture youtube is my fave lol. (I'm starting on his series about Diagnosis in Lacan)

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Thank you kindly for the resources! I also completely understand the falling asleep compliment. I have Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker in audiobook, and it is one of the most reliable things to break through my insomnia. I am so chuffed by the synchronicity.

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